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Establishing Statute: 10 VSA Ch 12 ยง 213

Department:  Commerce and Community Development

Description: This authority shall alleviate and prevent unemployment and underemployment and to raise the per capita income within the state, that the development and increase of industry, including the further processing of agricultural products, within the state will promote the prosperity and general welfare of all citizens. This shall be accomplished through promotion of and aid to small businesses and farms as well as the expansion, reclamation, or renovation of existing buildings to house new or existing business enterprises

Board Members:

    Board Member Name      Term Expires
    Karyn Hale       6/30/2030
     Steven Voigt       6/30/2026
     Thomas Gallagher       2/28/2028
     Kiersen Bourgeois       2/29/2028
     Ted Foster       6/30/2030
     Rhonda Shippee       6/30/2030
     Peter Elwell       2/28/2031
     Tony Collier       6/30/2026
      David Marvin       2/29/2028
      Caroline Carpenter       6/30/2026