Boards and commissions serve an important role in state government, and Governor Scott is currently seeking applications for members. The Governor is looking for talented, hardworking individuals with fresh ideas and who are good managers, proven leaders and recognize they will be held to the highest standards of conduct when they accept the responsibility of public service to their fellow Vermonters. It's imperative that candidates share the Governor’s priorities for growing the economy, making Vermont more affordable, caring for the most vulnerable and restoring faith and trust in state government. If you share his priorities and possess these qualifications, please consider submitting your resume directly with the office at the email below or filling out an application through our on-line form.
Board members listed reflect only those members appointed by the Governor. Many boards and commissions include members appointed by other elected officials or groups with a special interest or expertise.
Application Process
Please use our new online application process by clicking on the “APPLY NOW” link:
OR EMAIL a resume and indication of interest to
For more information or assistance, please contact the Governor's Office: (802) 828-3333.
Information for Volunteer Appointees
While not required for the application, in order to be appointed we will require all Appointees to sign the Oath of Office, acknowledge receipt of the Governor’s Code of Ethics EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 04-22 found here and agree to the terms of the Code of Ethics. The form to be signed upon appointment can be found here.
This form requires Appointees to:
- Acknowledge receipt of the Governor’s Code of Ethics;
- Acknowledge reading the Governor’s Code of Ethics;
- Certify compliance with the terms of the Governor’s Code of Ethics or request a waiver as set forth in the Code of Ethics; and
- Agree to deliver a certificate of good standing from the Department of Tax should a question of good standing with respect to tax obligations arise.
Most board and commission members serve at the pleasure of the Governor, meaning they may be removed at any time. Board and commission members who may only be removable for cause may be removed for violating the Governor’s Code of Ethics.
Most volunteers who are not otherwise receiving a state salary for board or commission service will be eligible to receive a per diem of at least $50 per day for their service.
Members of boards and commissions who receive compensation of more than $30,000.00 per year may be required to authorize release of criminal record history and tax records to the Vermont Department of Human Resources as a condition of appointment.
Applications for positions on boards and commissions will be made public upon receipt of a public records request, however all records that could be deemed to violate an applicant’s right to privacy in their personal or economic pursuits or otherwise be exempt from disclosure under the public records law as a personal document or for the purpose of maintaining personal security, will be withheld as confidential. Personal phone numbers, street addresses and email addresses will be withheld.
A Good Standing Certificate issued by the Tax Department, if requested, will be deemed to be confidential, as will information from a criminal conviction record.
Boards and Commissions
Click on a specific board or commission below for more information on the more than 180 boards and commissions and to view current membership.
- Access Board
- Accountancy, Board of Public
- Act 264 Advisory Board
- Allied Mental Health Practitioners, Board of
- Alzheimer's Disease & Related Disorders, Committee on
- Animal Cruelty Investigation Advisory Board
- Apportionment Board
- Apprenticeship Advisory Board, Vermont
- Architects, Vermont Board of
- Artificial Intelligence Advisory Council
- Arts Council, Vermont
- Aviation Advisory Council, Vermont
- Blind & Visually Impaired, State Rehabilitation Council for the
- Building Bright Futures Council
- Cannabis Control Board
- Capital Debt Affordability Advisory Committee
- Capitol Complex Commission
- Chemicals of High Concern For Children Working Group
- Chiropractic, Board of
- Clean Water Board
- Clinical Utilization and Review Board
- Commission on Women, Vermont
- Community Broadband Board, Vermont
- Community Development Board, Vermont
- Community High School of Vermont Board
- Community Investment Board
- Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon Commission
- Connecticut River Valley Flood Control Commission
- Connecticut RIver Watershed Advisory Commission
- Council for Equitable Youth Justice
- Criminal Justice Council
- Current Use Advisory Board
- Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Deaf/Blind Advisory Council
- Dental Examiners, State Board of
- Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living Advisory Board
- Developmental Disabilities Council, Vermont
- District #1 Environmental Commission
- District #2 Environmental Commission
- District #3 Environmental Commission
- District #4 Environmental Commission
- District #5 Environmental Commission
- District #6 Environmental Commission
- District #7 Environmental Commission
- District #8 Environmental Commission
- District #9 Environmental Commission
- Domestic Violence Fatality Review Commission
- Domestic Violence, Vermont Council on
- Economic Development Authority, Vermont
- Economic Progress Council, Vermont
- Education, State Board of
- Educational & Health Buildings Financing Agency, Vermont
- Electricians Licensing Board
- Elevator Safety Review Board
- Emergency Communications Advisory Commission
- Emergency Personnel Survivors Benefit Review Board
- Emergency Preparedness Advisory Council, Governor's
- Emergency Response Commission, State
- Employment Security Board
- Employment of People with Disabilities, Governor's Committee on
- Endangered Species Committee
- Engineering, Board of Professional
- Enhanced 911 Board, Vermont
- Fire Service Training Council, Vermont
- Fish and Wildlife Board
- Green Mountain Care Board
- Green Mountain Care Board Nominating Committee
- Green Mountain Secure Retirement Plan Board
- Hearing Panels for Professional Public Educators
- Historic Preservation, Advisory Council on
- Historic Variance Appeals Board
- Housing and Homelessness, Vermont Council on
- Housing Finance Agency, Vermont
- Housing and Conservation Board, Vermont
- Human Rights Commission
- Human Services Board
- Human Services and Educational Facilities Competitive Grant Program
- Immunization Advisory Council, Vermont
- Independent Living Council, Statewide
- Interagency Committee on Administrative Rules
- Interagency Coordinating Council, Vermont
- International Trade and State Sovereignty, Commission on
- Interstate Adult Offender Supervision, Vermont Council for
- Joint Committee on Tax Credits
- Judicial Nominating Board
- Labor Relations Board, State
- Lake Champlain's Future, Vermont Citizens Advisory Committee on
- Land Surveyors, Board of
- Land Use Review Board
- Land Use Review Board Nominating Committee
- Libraries, Board of
- Liquor and Lottery, Board of
- Livestock Care Standards Advisory Council
- Marijuana Advisory Commission, Governor's
- Medical Practice, Board of
- Mental Health Crisis Response Commission
- Milk Commission, Vermont
- Municipal Bond Bank, Vermont
- Municipal Employees' Retirement System, Vermont
- National Ocean Council Regional Planning Body
- Native American Affairs, Vermont Commission on
- Natural Resources Board
- New England Board of Higher Education
- New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission
- Northeast Forest Fire Protection Commission
- Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel
- Nursing, Vermont State Board of
- Occupational Safety and Health Review Board
- Optometry, State Board of
- Osteopathic Physicians & Surgeons, Board of
- Oversight Commission on Children, Youth and Families
- Parole Board
- Passenger Tramway Board
- Pension Investment Commission, Vermont
- Pharmacy, Board of
- Physical Fitness and Sports, Governor's Council on
- Plumbers Examining Board
- Psychological Examiners, Board of
- Public Utility Commission
- Public Transit Advisory Council
- Racial Equity Advisory Panel
- Racial Equity Task Force
- Racial Justice Statistics Advisory Council
- Rail Advisory Council, Vermont
- Real Estate Commission, Vermont
- Recreational Facilities Grant Advisory Committee
- Search and Rescue Council
- SerVermont
- Snowmobile Council, Governor's
- Special Education, State Advisory Panel on
- Standards Board for Professional Educators, Vermont
- State Infrastructure Bank Board
- State Police Advisory Commission
- State Program Standing Committee for Adult Mental Health
- State Program Standing Committee for Child and Family Mental Health
- State Program Standing Committee for Developmental Services
- State Rehabilitation Council, Vermont
- State Workforce Development Board
- Sustainable Jobs Fund Board of Directors
- Substance Misuse Prevention Oversight and Advisory Council
- Technical Advisory Committee on Wastewater Systems & Potable Water
- Telecommunications and Connectivity Advisory Board
- Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission
- Tobacco Evaluation & Review Board, Vermont
- Transportation Board
- Travel Information Council
- Travel and Recreation Council
- Uniform Laws Commission
- University of Vermont Board of Trustees
- Unorganized Town - Glastenbury
- Unorganized Town - Somerset
- Unorganized Town- Buel's Gore
- Vermont Council on World Affairs
- Vermont Humanities Council
- Vermont Motor Vehicle Arbitration Board
- Vermont State Colleges Board of Trustees
- Vermont State Housing Authority
- Vermont State Retirement Board
- Vermont Student Assistance Corporation Board of Directors
- Veterans Advisory Council, Governor's
- Veterans' Home Board of Trustees, Vermont
- Veterans' Memorial Cemetery Advisory Board, Vermont
- Veterinary Board, State
- Victims Compensation Board
- Web Portal Board, Vermont
- Workforce Equity and Diversity Council, Governor's
- Working Lands Enterprise Board