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Establishing Statute: 30 VSA Ch 1 ยง 3

Department:  Public Utility Commission 

Description: The Public Utility Commission is a three-member, quasi-judicial commission whose mission is to ensure the provision of high-quality public utility services in Vermont at minimum reasonable costs, consistent with the long-term public good of the state. The Commission strives to achieve this mission by providing an independent, fair, and efficient means of resolving public utility disputes, and by guiding the development of state utility policies and rules for public services to best serve the long-term interests of Vermont and its residents, all as defined in Title 30 V.S.A. 

The Commission supervises the rates, quality of service, and overall financial management of Vermont's utilities: electric, natural gas, telecommunications, and private water companies. The Commission also supervises cable television companies, although federal law preempts most authority to regulate cable rates or programming. The Commission also reviews the environmental and economic impacts of proposals to purchase energy supply or build new energy facilities; monitors the safety of hydroelectric dams; evaluates the financial aspects of nuclear plant decommissioning and radioactive waste storage; reviews rates paid to independent power producers; and oversees the statewide Energy Efficiency Utility programs.

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Board Members:

  Board Member Name   Term Expires
     Margaret Cheney       2/28/2031
     Riley Allen        2/28/2027
     Edward McNamara       2/28/2029