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Vermont Housing and Conservation Board

Establishing Statute: 10 V.S.A. ยง 311

Department: VHCB    10 V.S.A. Chapter 15  

(a) The dual goals of creating affordable housing for Vermonters, and conserving and protecting Vermont's agricultural land, forestland, historic properties, important natural areas, and recreational lands are of primary importance to the economic vitality and quality of life of the State.

(b) In the best interests of all of its citizens and in order to improve the quality of life for Vermonters and to maintain for the benefit of future generations the essential characteristics of the Vermont countryside, and to support farm, forest, and related enterprises, Vermont should encourage and assist in creating affordable housing and in preserving the State's agricultural land, forestland, historic properties, important natural areas and recreational lands, and in keeping conserved agricultural land in production and affordable for future generations of farmers.  

Board Members with Term Expiration Date

  • Clarence Davis - 1/31/2026
  • Amy Richardson - 1/31/2028
  • Emily Wadhams - 1/31/2027