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Establishing Statute: 20 VSA Ch 151 ยง 2352

Department: Criminal Justice Council

Description: This board shall encourage and assist municipalities, counties, and governmental agencies of this state in their efforts to improve the quality of law enforcement and citizen protection by maintaining a uniform standard of recruit and in-service training for law enforcement officers. The council shall offer continuing programs of instruction in up-to-date methods of law enforcement and the administration of criminal justice. It is the responsibility of the council to encourage the participation of local governmental units in the program and to aid in the establishment of adequate training facilities.

Board Members:

    Board Member Name      Term Expires
     William Clements       2/29/2027
     Eric Paul Ruiz       2/28/2027
     (Searles)       2/29/2024
     Karim Chapman       2/28/2027

     Daniel Guerra

    (Louras)      2/29/2024
    Shawn Pratt      2/28/2027