Establishing Statute: 10 VSA Ch 103 ยง 4041
Department: Agency of Natural Resources
Description: The Fish and Wildlife Board is responsible for regulating the taking of fish and wild game. As such, the Board adopts and amends rules that govern the management of fish and wild game, and considers and votes on proposals to amend those rules. The Board rules shall be designed to maintain the best health, population, and utilization levels of the regulated species and of other necessary or desirable species that are ecologically related to the regulated species. The Board is also authorized to set by procedure the annual harvest and possession limits of certain game species.
Board Members:
Board Member Name | Term Expires | Seat Description |
Nicholas Burnham | 2/29/2028 | Windsor County |
Jeffrey Corey | 2/28/2031 | Franklin County |
Jon Valsangiacomo | 2/28/2031 | Washington County |
Robert Patterson | 2/29/2028 | Addison County |
Beth Deimling | 2/28/2030 | Grand Isle County |
Brad Ferland | 2/28/2026 | Caledonia County |
Ryan Kilborn | 2/28/2031 | Orange County |
Martin R. VanBuren Jr. | 2/28/2029 | Rutland County |
David Deane | 2/28/2027 | Windham County |
Linda Hook | 2/28/2030 | Essex County |
Richard Craig | 2/28/2027 | Lamoille County |
Paul Noel | 2/28/2029 | Orleans County |
Allison Frazier | 2/28/2026 | Chittenden County |
Neal Hogan | 2/29/2028 | Bennington County |