Establishing Statute: 20 V.S.A. ยง 1713
Department: Vermont Veterans Home
Description: The trustees may receive, hold, manage and convey such real and personal estate as they may acquire by gift, grant, purchase or otherwise, for the purpose of maintaining in this state a home for deserving veterans of the armed services of the United States, and such members of their families as the trustees deem proper, and under such conditions and regulations as the trustees may from time to time prescribe.
Board Members: ( * denotes Veteran)
Board Member Name | Term Expires |
Kent Butterfield * | 2/28/2026 |
Jennifer Carmichael | 2/28/2026 |
Brenda Cruikshank * | 2/28/2026 |
Robert Hooper * | 2/28/2026 |
Gary De Gasta * | 2/28/2027 |
Michael Klopchin * | 2/28/2027 |
Peg Flory | 2/28/2027 |
Joseph "Chip" Troiano* | 2/28/2027 |
Richard Setzer* | 2/28/2025 |
Charly Dickerson | 2/28/2028 |
Michael Di Monda * | 2/28/2028 |
Francis Wetherby* | 2/28/2027 |
Joyce Scribner | 2/28/2028 |
Clark Adams* | 2/28/2026 |
(Fabricus *) | 2/28/2026 |
Peter Fagan* | 2/28/2028 |
Catherine Tester* | 2/28/2028 |
Larry Cupoli * | 2/28/2028 |
Sandra Pinsonault | 2/28/2026 |
Dolores Krawczyk* | 2/28/2027 |