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Board of Liquor and Lottery

Establishing Statute: 7 V.S.A. § 101

Department:  Liquor and Lottery

Description: This board shall see that laws related to intoxicating liquor are enforced, supervise the opening of local agencies involved in the sale and distribution of liquor, supervise financial transactions of the central and local liquor agencies, make rules and regulations concerning licensing and make rules concerning the labeling of liquor. This board shall also determine the types of lotteries to be conducted, specifics regarding the prize, selecting winners, manner of sale and compensation, as well as regulating the sale and vendors of lottery tickets.

Board Members:

Board Member Name   Term Expires
    Martin Manahan       1/31/2026
     Megan Cicio       1/31/2026
     Sam Guy       1/31/2024
     (Lauzon)       1/31/2026
     Ed Flanagan       1/31/2024