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Press Release

Governor Phil Scott Announces Limited Indoor Dining Restart and Opens Some Interstate Travel

June 5, 2020

As state data and expanded testing and tracing capacity continue to support reopening, Governor Phil Scott today announced the resumption of limited indoor seating at restaurants and bars and a data-driven approach to allow travel to and from designated areas without a 14-day quarantine requirement.

Governor Phil Scott and DMV Announce Restart Plan for Driver’s License Services, Learner’s Permit Tests

June 1, 2020

Governor Phil Scott and the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) today announced a restart plan for resuming driver’s license tests and a new service for Vermonters to receive their learner’s permit online as the state begins limited resumption of services paused due to COVID-19.

Governor Phil Scott Announces Opening of Additional Business Operations, Increased Social Gathering Sizes

May 29, 2020

Governor Phil Scott today announced the resumption of additional close contact businesses, dental procedures, businesses that require work in the home, and of limited overnight youth summer camp programming. As state modeling continues to indicate a low number of COVID-19 cases, he also increased the size of social gatherings.

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