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Modernizing Government

Submitted by matt.stirnweis… on

Reorganizing State Government for Better Results

  • Agency of Digital Services - Created the Agency of Digital Services to unify all aspects of the state's IT operations under one roof, providing more efficient support for state employees, delivering better customer service, and enhancing accountability.
    • ADS streamlined existing processes and in its first year, already identified $2.19 million in statewide savings or cost avoidance. Additionally, ADS has improved procurement processes, increased project successes, enhanced communications, and better utilized statewide resources – all without increasing IT staffing.


  • Merging the Department of Liquor and the Lottery Department - In January 2017, the Governor issued an Executive Order creating the Department of Liquor and Lottery, a merger that was enacted via Act 1 of 2018 Special Session. The new unified department aligns programmatic services, eliminated redundancies and leverages shared assets for strategic planning and growth to deliver better outcomes and service, and achieve cost savings and efficiencies for taxpayers.


  • Modernizing State boards, commissions,, studies and reports - Conducted a review of existing Executive Branch boards and commissions to identify opportunities to improve efficiency. Proposed and passed legislation to streamline reporting requirements, eliminate unnecessary reports, merge or phase out redundant boards and commissions; and create a committee to review the future status of boards and commissions. Passed Act 61 of 2019, which eliminates and modernizes several state boards and commissions to operate state government more efficiently.


Historic Investments to Modernize State Systems for Better Service and Security

In 2020 and 2021 Vermont received unprecedented Federal aid alongside an historic surplus of in the State budget. To advance priority modernization projects, Governor Scott proposed $66 million in his FY22 budget for IT modernization projects and much-needed upgrades across State government. This included: 

  • $24.5 million to the Department of Motor Vehicles to complete the first phase of the DMV IT system replacement of the 40-year-old mainframe applications.  


  • $9.5 to the Agency of Human Services for Integrated Eligibility – a program to replace the dated Access system.


  • $4.5 million to the Vermont Department of Labor for phase one of the Unemployment Insurance (UI) modernization system to improve service for UI beneficiaries. 


  • $4.5 million to the Department for Children and Families to replace the Bright Futures Information System.


  • $4 million to the Agency of Education for data systems related to licensing management, dual enrollment vouchers, and adult education and literacy programs.


  • $1.7 million to the State's Attorneys and Sheriffs to upgrade its case management system software. 


  • $1.5 million to the Agency of Digital Services cybersecurity work – a core infrastructure replacement and router replacements for public safety connections to the municipalities.


  • $1.1 million to the Department of Environmental Conservation for the second phase of the permit navigator, a citizen-facing permit portal.


  • $1 million to the Agency of Commerce and Community Development to transition ACCD to a centralized grants system.


  • $500,000 to the Natural Resources Board for the Act 250 scanning project to digitize land-use records.


  • $250,000 to the Secretary of State for completion of the Vermont Business Portal to provide digital access for Vermont-based businesses to at least four state agencies.


  • $140,000 to the Office of the Defender General to complete a case management system upgrade.


  • $12.8 million to the Agency of Administration for a Human Capital Management ERP upgrade, a replacement of the HR system that tracks employee information, timesheets, and contracts, including a VANTAGE budget system upgrade and interface with the new HR system.


Strengthening the State's Cybersecurity

  • Created, by Executive Order, the Cybersecurity Advisory Team to enhance the state’s preparedness and protection against cyber threats.
  • Proposed and passed the creation of the Vermont Security Operations Center (SOC), which will be developed and coordinated by the Agency of Digital Services to mitigate cybersecurity risks. This is executed through a public-private partnership with Norwich University, helping educate students, provide hands-on job experience with real threats and cutting-edge technology products and create job opportunities in Vermont.
  • Created the position of Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) to lead the Security Division within the Agency of Digital Services. 
  • To combat growing cybersecurity threats, the FY19 budget adjustment and FY20 budget include the Governor’s proposal of $2.3 million to strengthen the state’s firewall and upgrade critical IT infrastructure.


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