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Governor Phil Scott Confirms April 15 Expiration Date For All Previously Closed In-Person Business Operations

April 3, 2020

Montpelier, Vt. – Governor Phil Scott today issued an order clarifying the expiration date for two previous directives to ensure all are complying with his Stay Home, Stay Safe order until April 15 or beyond.

This new order makes clear that any previous orders or directives that had an expiration date prior to April 15, are subject to the Stay Home, Stay Safe order, which means they must follow the in-person operation closure guidance until April 15. 

Specifically, this is in reference to the Governor’s orders closing bars and restaurants for dine-in service, and the Department of Motor Vehicles for in-person operation, which would have otherwise expired April 6. 

The April 15 expiration remains in place for the Governor’s declared State of Emergency and all addenda covering mass gatherings, postponing non-essential medical procedures, business closures and his Stay Home, Stay Safe order. In consultation with the Vermont Department of Health, this timeframe will be reevaluated as that date approaches.

Today’s addendum also makes a technical clarification regarding non-congregate housing to meet FEMA reimbursement requirements for alternative housing arrangements already in place. 

You can read the full addendum at

For the latest information and guidance relating to Vermont’s COVID-19 response, visit and for the Governor’s mitigation efforts, visit