Montpelier, Vt. — Governor Phil Scott today recognized and celebrated the efforts of Vermont state employees, attending an awards ceremony and presenting a proclamation designating May 5-11, 2019 as “Public Service Recognition Week” in Vermont.
Governor Scott was joined by Secretary of Administration Susanne Young, Department of Human Resources Commissioner Beth Fastiggi and Deputy Commissioner Dan Pouliot to honor 146 outstanding state employees, including 22 individuals, 14 state teams and one cross-agency team. These employees were applauded for their many achievements in service to the programs that support the citizens of Vermont.
“Our state employees not only provide important services to Vermonters, but also make Vermont a great place to live, work and visit,” said Governor Scott. “I greatly appreciate this year’s award winners, and all Vermont state employees for the important work they do to serve Vermonters.”
A full list of award recipients is included below. To view the “Public Service Recognition Week” proclamation, visit
2019 Outstanding Employees for Statewide Public Service Recognition
Holly Anderson Barre
Kara Appleton East Corinth
Michael Barber Huntington
Kimberly Bean Essex Junction
Debra Bearss Rutland
John Becker Randolph Center
John Bedard Wardsboro
Brian Berini Barre
Brenda Berry Brookfield
Victoria Biller Dorset
Timothy Bills Jamaica
Jordan Black-Deegan East Montpelier
Joan Blondin East Barre
Roxane Boliver Barre
Erica Bornemann Morristown
Suellen Bottiggi East Calais
Linda Bouffard South Barre
Peggy Brooks Colchester
Danielle Brochu East Hardwick
Thomas Brown Huntington
Steve Bushey Essex Junction
Monica Buzzell Huntington
Rhonda Camley Johnson
Doreen Carminati Graniteville
Matt Chapman Montpelier
Corey Chase Montpelier
Nancy Collins Barre
Andy Cook Waitsfield
Kimberly Cruickshank Roxbury
Edward Czuchrey Burlington
Margaret Daniels Calais
Thomas DeForge Cabot
Michele Degree Montpelier
Lori Demingware Barre
Richard Deschamps Essex Junction
Joshua Donna Jamaica
Cheryl Dow Waterbury
Ruthellen Doyon Hardwick
Kathie Duckless Newport
Natalie Elvidge Burlington
Brian Elwell Northfield
Kristie Farnham Plainfield
Stephen Fazekas East Barre
Angelo Filippone Burlington
Robert Fitch Montpelier
Vicki Fletcher Huntington
Lucie Fortier Waitsfield
Andrew Fraser Springfield
Elizah French Williamstown
Stephen Frey Montpelier
Denise Fuller Williamstown
Alastair Gee Randolph
Dustin Gile Cabot
Shawn Goodell Morrisville
Ruth Goodrich Morristown
Joseph Gray St. Albans
Suzette Greaves Hardwick
Bill Griffin Plainfield
Stacey Guertin East Haven
Joe Harris Wolcott
Carol Hassler Jericho
Rebecca Hawkins Barre
Denice Henrich Essex
John Hernandez South Burlington
Lisa Hickory Barre
Jared Hodgin St. Albans
Marcey Hodgdon Marshfield
Eric Hoefel Williston
Steven Hubbs East Montpelier
John Hunt Johnson
Faith Ingulsrud Burlington
Karen Jaquish Morrisville
Tanya Jarvis East Barre
Lise John Williamstown
Jennifer Johnson Montpelier
Kenneth Jones Montpelier
Richard Kehne Adamant
Max Kennedy Under Center
Justin Kenney Worcester
Sarah Kinsler Montpelier
Lisa Labounty Montpelier
Noreen Lake Guilford
Vicki Harrington Bennington
Jerri Lamson Montpelier
Trevor Lewis Calais
Sarah Lindberg East Montpelier
Kasey Love Wolcott
Ashley Lucht Winooski
Trudy Marineau Berlin
Emily Mascitti East Montpelier
Shelley Matz Barre
Jack McCormack Morrisville
Bill Meirs Essex Junction
Marisa Melamed Middlesex
Melissa Miles Montpelier
Derek Moffett Waterbury
Jeffrey Montgomery Northfield
Jesse Moorman Montpelier
Brent Mott Hinesburg
Kevin Munson West Townshend
Diane Nealy Richmond
Teresa Nelson Derby
Thelma Nutbrown East Montpelier
Louise O’Connor Barre
Monica Ogelby Waterbury
Marc O’Grady Colchester
Barbara Paddock Hoosick Falls
Marc Paquette Craftsbury
Maureen Parker Stowe
Rhonda Partlow Northfield Falls
Jennifer Perry Barre
Marc Pickering Newfane
Doug Pine South Burlington
Mercedes Pinon East Calais
Josiah Raiche Fairfax
Tina Rich Waitsfield
Marilyn Robinson Northfield
Dru Roessle Burlington
Chris Rottler Burlington
Gail Rushford Morrisville
Nora Sabo Burlington
Tricia Scribner Marshfield
Kathy Shackett Wolcott
Jamie Sheltra Waterbury
Dan Shepard Essex Junction
Aaron Sorenson Montpelier
Jessica Stolz Hinesburg
Julia Stone Worcester
Anna Strong Washington
Jacqueline Sullivan Montpelier
Karen Symonds Orange
Johnathan Teske Colchester
Kelly Theroux Middlesex
Alison Thomas Waterbury Center
Darwin Thompson Woodbury
Heather Tolman Barre
Danielle Tucker Barre
Travis Vandrien Georgia
Morgan Verriotto Essex
Keri Wakefield Barre
Kim Walker Jeffersonville
Shawn Westney Chester
Michelle White Williamstown
Jon Winter Barre
Susan Zeller Montpelier