Montpelier, Vt. - Governor Phil Scott today issued the following statement:
“Today, we pause to mourn, remember, and honor the brave men and women who lost their lives defending our country, our way of life, and the freedoms and liberties we hold dear.
“Since the birth of our nation, thousands of Vermonters have answered the call. They don’t do it for the glory or fame, they do it for our country and all of us. Their dedication often puts them in harm’s way and has, unfortunately, cost too many their lives. This is why we can never let their sacrifices be in vain.
“We must always strive to uphold the values of the nation they fought to preserve and work to build a more perfect union in their honor.
“So today, I ask all Vermonters to reflect on the courage of those who left their homes to serve all of us, but never made it back to the loved ones they left behind.”