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Vermont Department of Labor Details Data Security Breach at Third Party Vendor

March 21, 2017

Montpelier, Vt. – America’s Joblink Alliance – a provider of the nationwide web-based database Joblink, which is used by the State of Vermont – has notified the State that the job seeker functionality of its website was compromised by a malicious software.

The Joblink system, which is also used by nine other states, is a standalone system and is not linked to any other State of Vermont systems. Initial details indicate this was a systematic breach designed to extract data from Joblink, and it is unknown whether the software was deliberately inserted or the result of an unintentional introduction by a jobseeker with an infected computer.

The system has been fixed and secured by America’s Joblink Alliance, which is currently evaluating the scope of the breach using a third-party vendor, RSA, to perform forensic analysis, and working with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Analysts are working to identify which accounts, if any, were compromised. Compromised accounts would potentially disclose names and social security numbers, though not all accounts in the system include social security numbers.

The Vermont Department of Labor (DOL) was notified by the vendor after the system was fixed, and has briefed Governor Phil Scott and the Vermont Attorney General’s Office on the matter. DOL is working closely with America’s Joblink Alliance to ensure notifications to individual users are sent in accordance with State law. 

While it is unclear at this time whether any personal data was extracted, users of Joblink should remain vigilant with respect to reviewing bank, credit card and debit card account statements and report any suspicious activity to your bank or credit company.

The State recommends monitoring credit reports with the major credit reporting agencies listed below:

1 800 685-1111                                                                    
PO Box 740241                                   
Atlanta, GA  30374-0241                                   

1 888 397-3742
PO Box 2104      
Allen, TX  75013            

1 800 916-8800         
PO Box 2000
Chester, PA 19022  

Under Vermont law individuals are entitled to a free copy of their report every twelve months. Call the credit reporting agency at the number listed if you find:

  • Accounts you did not open.
  • Inquiries from creditors that you did not initiate.
  • Inaccurate personal information, such as home address and Social Security number.

If you do find suspicious activity on your credit reports or other statements, call your local law enforcement office and file a report of identity theft.  Get a copy of the police report.  You may need to give copies of this report to the creditors to help clear up your records, and also to access some services that are free to identity theft victims.

If you find suspicious activity on your credit reports or on other account statements consider placing a fraud alert on your credit files so creditors will contact you before opening new accounts.  

You may obtain information about preventing and avoiding identity theft from the Vermont Attorney General’s Office at 802 656-3183 (1 800-649-2424 toll free in Vermont only).

Even if you do not find suspicious activity on your credit report or other account statements it is important that you check your credit report for the next two years. More information about fighting identity theft, placing a security freeze, and obtaining a free copy of your credit report is available on the Vermont Attorney General’s website at…; Another resource is the Federal Trade Commission website,