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Governor Phil Scott Wishes Vermonters a Happy Hanukkah

December 23, 2019

Montpelier, Vt. – Governor Phil Scott today joined members of Vermont’s Jewish community to celebrate at the State House menorah lighting and wish Vermonters a happy Hanukkah. 

Below is a full transcript of his address.

Governor Scott: Thank you all very much for coming to this special event. I’m grateful for the opportunity to join you as we celebrate the second night of Hanukkah.

This is the seventh year we’ve lit the menorah here at the State House and it is always a great opportunity to come together in solidarity and appreciation for the diverse community we all know and love, and to celebrate this special holiday at the most beautiful state house in the country.

Here tonight we recall Hanukkah’s lessons: how any group, no matter how small, can make a big difference and how a little bit can go a long way, like that small amount of oil which shone for eight nights. It reminds us that even when resources are limited, faith and community can help us find the best of ourselves and each other and make the most of what we have.

I think the message of Hanukkah can speak to all Vermonters. The menorah’s light inspires us to be part of something bigger than ourselves  even when our country may seem more divided than ever  and to know that good can emerge even in the darkest of hours.

It’s a good time of year to step back and reflect on how fortunate we are to live here and on all the good going on around us. And while it may not always feel like it, there is so much that unifies us as Vermonters.

I believe the things we have in common, as mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, daughters and sons, friends and neighbors, are what inspires us to do good. We’re known for our deep sense of community and our commitment to the most vulnerable. We help each other in times of need.

For example, on Thanksgiving morning the Ludlow Volunteer Fire Department answered a call for an oven fire. Once they arrived on scene they determined, while there wasn’t much damage, they had to inform a mother of three she couldn’t use it until it was inspected. And remember, it was Thanksgiving Day. But instead of going back to their own family dinners, the volunteer firefighters decided to take things into their own hands and go the extra mile and help this fellow Vermonter. They ended up taking all her food back to the fire station, cooked it for her and brought it back to her in time for dinner. 

This is just one example of the sense of community Vermonters share and is part of what makes our state so special.

So, while we light this menorah tonight, let’s commit to doing good, focus on what unites us instead of what divides us and be part of something bigger than ourselves.

And let’s remember the Golden Rule: to treat each other the way we want to be treated, with respect and civility.

So, again, thank you very much for being here tonight and I hope you have a very happy Hanukkah.