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Statement from Governor Phil Scott On Vermont’s Labor Force

March 12, 2018

Montpelier, Vt. – Governor Phil Scott today issued the following statement on Vermont’s recently announced labor market information. 

“Today’s labor market information reaffirms my Administration’s commitment to growing Vermont’s labor force, and illustrates why it’s more important than ever to increase the number of working people in our state.  

“While we continue to see a low unemployment rate, our labor force also continues to be significantly lower than it was at its peak – with about 15,000 fewer than in 2009. 
“Working together to grow and strengthen the workforce will help us ensure all Vermonters have a path to meaningful employment while supporting Vermont businesses with the workers they need to fill jobs that are open, today. 

“That’s why we’ve put forward proposals to retain a greater portion of Vermont’s high school and college graduates and expand adult career technical education, and why we’ve proposed a bold recruitment and relocation program, ThinkVermont/MOVE

“Adding workers will broaden the tax base and increase revenues, effectively lowering the burden on hardworking tax payers to make our state more affordable. 

“With the second half of the legislative session still in front of us, I hope we can come together with the Legislature on many of these proposals before adjournment.”