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Creation of the Agency of Economic Opportunity (Executive Order 05-17)

January 15, 2017
An Executive Order to create an Agency of Economic Opportunity. This order reorganizes the Agency of Commerce and Community Development (ACCD) and the Department of Labor (DOL) to directly connect the needs of our employers and workforce. This structure allows for a better, more coordinated, and more accountable approach to advancing economic opportunities for all Vermonters. The new agency will carry out all ACCD functions and all DOL functions with exception of V.O.S.H.A., Project WorkSAFE, and Passenger Tramway Safety, which will move from DOL to the Department of Public Safety. Disapproved by the Senate pursuant to 3 V.S.A. § 2002(b) by Senate Resolution S.R. 6, entitled “Senate Resolution Disapproving Executive Order 05-17” on February 10, 2017.

Governor's Government Modernization and Efficiency Team (Executive Order 03-17)

January 5, 2017
An Executive Order creating the Governor's Government Modernization and Efficiency Team (GMET). GMET will serve an advisory role, and is charged with facilitating State agency and department efficiency audits; strengthening strategic IT planning; and developing a digital government strategy focused on Vermonters. It will also focus on identifying and advising on opportunities to increase operational efficiency; consolidate, streamline and automate services; account for the true cost of IT projects; eliminate waste; prevent fraud and abuse; and develop metrics to be used in the development of an outcomes-based budgeting process.

Governor's Opiate Coordination Council (Executive Order 02-17)

January 5, 2017
An Executive Order to create the Governor's Opiate Coordination Council to lead and strengthen Vermont's response to the opiate crisis by ensuring full interagency and intra-agency coordination between state and local governments in the areas of prevention, treatment, and law enforcement activities. The Executive Order also creates the position of Director of Drug Policy, who will act as the Executive Director of the Council to support, coordinate and monitor the progress of the Council.

This Executive Order was superseded and replaced by Executive Order 09-17:
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