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Continuous Improvement

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PIVOT and LEAN – Improving government service and efficiency

  • The Governor's Program to Improve Vermont Outcomes Together (PIVOT) was implemented to improve operations and ensure state government is working more efficiently and effectively. Through PIVOT, state employees are working closely with the state's Chief Performance Officer to identify and eliminate inefficiencies. This program was modeled after Toyota's successful LEAN program, a process designed to increase productivity by empowering employees to systematically reduce waste.


Continuous Improvement

  • Continuous improvement allows us to identify and develop new approaches for solving new and persistent challenges to improve our services for the public and meet the needs of Vermonters. Research has shown that a strong culture of continuous improvement delivers many organizational benefits. The Agency of Administration's Chief Performance Office (CPO) has many initiatives underway to encourage more continuous improvement so that state government can provide better services to Vermonters. 
  • Continuous Improvement Training
    • Maintaining a well-trained and well-qualified workforce is a necessity for any organization. The CPO offers trainings and professional development related to structured problem solving, performance measurement, project management, change management, facilitation, data analysis, software usages, supervision, operational management, and strategic planning. These trainings serve to increase the knowledge, skill, and ability of state employees to provide efficient and effective services to Vermonters. 
    • Continuous improvement training participation has increased significantly since the training program began in FY 2013. Governor Scott has put an emphasis on this training, resulting in more state employees participating. Nearly 4,000 state employees have been trained in continuous improvement practices since 2018, which is 4.5-times the number in the four years prior. 


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Fiscal Responsibility

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Holding the Line on New Taxes & Fees and Slowing State Budget Growth

  • Governor Scott has held the line on adding new, or increasing existing, taxes throughout his tenure.


  • The FY18 State budget did not raise or add taxes or fees and held statewide property tax rates level for residential and non-residential rate payers.


  • The FY19 State budget did not raise or add taxes or fees and held statewide property tax rates level for residential rate payers for a second consecutive year.


  • In 2018, the Governor worked to implement a new approach to managing the State’s Education Fund, which – with the support and hard work of school boards across the state – helped Vermonters avoid about $71 million in forecasted property tax rate increases. Of those total savings, $29 million were a direct result of the Governor’s budget vetoes.


Strategic Planning and Budgeting 

  • Developed a State Strategic Plan, setting specific, measurable goals to improve the lives of Vermonters and aligning state policy development to this plan.


  • The Administration uses the state strategic plan to prioritize policy and investments that will make the biggest impact for Vermonters, moving the state closer to results-based budgeting and accountability. 


Funding Liabilities and Paying Down Debt

Managing state debt and addressing longstanding liabilities is key to good fiscal management that puts the state on better footing. The Scott Administration’s work, alongside the Treasurers office, legislators and other key partners, includes:

  • All budgets passed under the Scott administration (FY18-FY23) have met or surpassed the required investments in our state employees’ and teachers’ pension and other post-employment benefits (OPEB) obligations. 
  • The FY19 budget adjustment and the FY20 budget both paid down unfunded liabilities with:
  • $22.2 million to retire an internal loan funding retired teachers’ health benefits.
  • $3.3 million to make an additional payment to the retired teachers’ pension plan.
  • Statutory changes to direct a portion of future General Fund surplus reserves to the state employee’s OPEB trust fund.
  • In FY23, the state also:
    • Reduced tax-supported general obligation debt service by over $2.1 million through the early retirement of $20 million in callable bonds.
    • Retired $19.9 million of Transportation Infrastructure Bond (TIB) debt early, resulting in an overall interest savings of over $3.9 million.
    • Established a Capital Expenditure Cash Fund in lieu of bonding for certain eligible capital projects. If utilized per the Administration’s proposal, this fund could result in an over $300 million reduction in the issuance of general obligation debt over the course of 20 years.
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Infrastructure for Stronger, Safer Communities

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Roads, Bridges and Public Transportation

Governor Scott has consistently increased investments in our transportation infrastructure, recognizing safe, reliable public infrastructure is one of government’s most important responsibilities. 

Most recently, the FY23 Transportation budget is the largest-ever investment in Vermont’s transportation infrastructure and programs, dedicating $868 million in State and Federal funds – a 15% increase over the previous year. This includes:

  • $158.8 million to pave state highways and interstates, with 64 construction projects and 590 miles of paving, as well as 91 miles of rehabilitation to widen shoulders in support of bicycle and pedestrian access and mobility. 
  • $51.3 million for the roadway program to fund 37 projects to construct and reconstruct intersections and roadway segments.
  • $225 million in new General Fund bridge program investments. Upgrades will include 36 bridges across 38 communities.
  • $44.5 million for public transit, including $1.2 million to provide zero-fare public transit for local transit routes, $1.25 million for microtransit pilot studies for communities across Vermont, and continued work to electrify the transit fleet statewide. 
  • $25.4 million for the bicycle, pedestrian, and transportation alternatives program to implement 47 construction projects and the design of 42 additional projects across 73 Vermont communities.
  • $35.4 million for the rail program to implement projects including the extension of the Amtrak Ethan Allen service from Rutland to Burlington with stops in Middlebury and Vergennes (launching in July) and continued work on a $20 million federal BUILD grant to upgrade rail bridges between Rutland and Hoosick, New York.


Water, Sewer and Stormwater Infrastructure

Water and sewer infrastructure varies significantly around the state, creating disparity from town to town on a resource that impacts public health, our environment and economic opportunities. This is why Governor Scott made investments in this infrastructure one of his five areas of focus for Federal recovery aid, proposing and working with the Legislature to secure over $200 million for water, sewer and stormwater infrastructure. This included investments in:

  • Stormwater retrofit projects to manage stormwater runoff.


  • Village wastewater facility projects to support rural communities in addressing local drinking and water quality issues.


  • Household water and wastewater assistance projects to improve on-site water and wastewater solutions.


  • Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) abatement projects in municipalities with the highest incidents of sewer overflows.


Connectivity: Broadband & Cell Service

  • Expanding Access to Broadband
    • Governor Scott proposed, and worked with the Legislature to secure, over $350 million in Federal recovery aid (FY22-FY23) to expanding high-speed internet to unserved and underserved areas of the state. This investment is supporting and accelerating the state’s work to achieve universal access to reliable, affordable broadband for households and businesses across the state. 
    • Established, through Act 71 of 2021, the Vermont Community Broadband Board to lead the state’s efforts for universal broadband deployment.
    • Worked with the Legislature to establish Communications Union Districts (CUD) model to improve access to funds and make it easier for small communities to build out their communications infrastructure. The state is now partnering with 9 CUDs, covering 91% of unserved locations across Vermont.
    • Prior to the availability of Federal money, Governor Scott focused the state’s efforts on laying the groundwork for this opportunity. Working with the Legislature in 2019 to pass legislation and funding to improve broadband and connectivity across Vermont, which included:
      • Nearly $1 million to fund connectivity-related grants that support broadband buildout;
      • Half-a-million-dollars to create a partnership with the Vermont Economic Development Authority (VEDA) that invests in broadband development in underserved areas;
      • Increased investment in the ThinkVermont Innovation Initiative specifically for technical assistance grants to help Vermont municipalities planning broadband projects; and
      • A new Rural Broadband Technical Assistance Specialist to support broadband development in rural areas.


  • Improving Cellular Service
    • The Scott Administration, led by the Public Service Department, has worked to better assess cell service coverage in Vermont by conducting mobile wireless drive tests. The results of these tests help consumers determine what providers have the best service in their area and allow the state to work with providers to expand coverage in areas that need it.
    • NEED SUPPORT FROM THE LEGISLATURE – In 2022, Governor Scott proposed a $51 million plan to expand cell service in unserved areas of the state, using federal recovery aid to help add 100+ towers. The Legislature did not support this initiative.
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Economically Vibrant Communities

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Revitalizing Regional Economies

Recognizing stark economic disparity between northwestern Vermont, particularly Chittenden County, and all other regions of the state, Governor Scott has made restoring economic equity between regions a focus of the Administration’s work. 

  • Transformational infrastructure plan – Starting with American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) funds, the Governor proposed a $1 billion package to address long-standing infrastructure needs that were hindering growth in the areas of Vermont that need growth the most. This transformational investment package dedicated over $1 billion in five strategic buckets:
    • Over $250 million for housing.
    • Over $100 million for economic development, including helping keep businesses, child care centers and other community assets operating and growing.
    • Over $350 million for broadband. 
    • Over $200 million for water, sewer and stormwater infrastructure which ensures clean drinking water, protects natural resources and is critical to ensuring communities can build the housing and expand the businesses needed to thrive.
    • Over $200 million to mitigate climate change and build community resiliency to its impacts. 

          Click here to view the 2022 Governor's report on these investments.


  • Restoring brownfields for economic development – Governor Scott proposed the state’s first ever direct investment to clean up brownfield sites (old industrial sites that need remediation in order to be safe to use for other purposes), totaling $31 million in FY22 and FY23 budgets. As of November 2022, nearly $7 million has been awarded to 20 projects in seven counties (Caledonia, Chittenden, Franklin, Washington, Windham, Windsor, and Orange). Combined, these projects are expected to cleanup more than 35 contaminated acres and create 540 jobs, 288 units of housing, and 115 new hotel rooms.


  • Community grant programs 
    • Proposed and secured increased investment for existing grant programs, like Building Communities Grants, and launched new programs, like Better Places and Working Communities programs. These programs have received nearly $10 million in new funding to support stronger communities based on the needs identified through grassroots, local efforts. 
    • Using federal recovery dollars (ARPA), the Governor also proposed and secured $40 million for the Community Recovery and Revitalization Grant Program to support municipalities, businesses and non-profits in sectors severely impacted by the COVID-19 emergency through investments to recover and revitalize their businesses and local communities, with a preference for projects located in regions and communities with declining or stagnant grand list values.


Strengthening Downtowns and Village Centers

  • Increased and expanded Downtown and Village Center Tax Credits – This program helps move forward dozens of projects each year that create more vibrant downtowns and village centers, resulting in more housing, jobs and economic activity for their surrounding communities. Governor Scott has continuously proposed more funding to this program, working with the Legislature to increase available tax credits from $2.2 million a year when he came to office to $4.2 million for FY23. 


  • Expanded Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Districts - Tax Increment Financing (TIF) is a tool designed to spur private development, support public infrastructure investments, and benefit taxpayers. The Governor proposed and signed (Act 69 of 2017) legislation creating six new TIF districts throughout the state.


  • Increased and Expanded Downtown Transportation Grants – In 2021 (FY22), proposed and secured a $5 million one-time increase for the Downtown Transportation Fund grant program and expanded eligibility to include village centers. This program makes downtowns and villages more accessible, including for foot traffic to drive economic activity, with projects that improve and expand parking, rail and bus facilities, bike and pedestrian access, signage and more.  


Helping employers survive and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Driving Recovery - Governor Scott proposed multiple initiatives to help Vermont businesses recover from the economic impacts of the pandemic, and secured over $100 million in state fiscal recovery funds for Vermont employers. This included the FY22 Economic Recovery Bridge program, and the FY23 VEDA Forgivable Loan and Community Recovery and Revitalization programs.


  • Capital Investments - Governor Scott proposed and worked with the Legislature to pass a Capital Investment Grant program, providing $10 million to help Vermont employers impacted by the pandemic make capital investments to ensure they could survive and grow. Awardees have included non-profits, child care centers, arts and entertainment venues and other employers critical to their communities and local economy. 


  • Emergency Aid - In the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Governor worked with private partners to implement Federal programs and with the Legislature to ensure more than $100 million in State coronavirus relief funds were used to help businesses survive closures and operational restrictions. This included State programs like the Emergency Economic Recovery Grant Program, and Federal programs like PPP and SBA's EIDL.


Leveraging our Outdoor Recreation Assets for Economic Growth

  • Through Executive Order, created the Vermont Outdoor Recreation Economic Collaborative (VOREC), a task force to strengthen and expand Vermont's outdoor recreation economy and support overall economic growth. Acting on the Group’s first set of recommendations, the Scott Administration:
    • Proposed and passed the “Outdoor Recreation-Friendly Community” pilot program, to grow local outdoor recreation economies. You can view the recipients by clicking here.
    • The FY20 budget signed by the Governor expands this important program by an additional $100,000.
    • Launched a new camping gear loan program in state parks, giving more Vermonters access to Vermont’s camping facilities to expand interest in outdoor activities.
    • VOREC’s recommendations have also led to the creation of a private sector group, the Outdoor Business Alliance.


  • Proposed and launched the VOREC Grant program, dedicating $10 million over two years (FY22-23) to fund projects that help rural communities develop their outdoor recreation assets to support economic growth. 


  • Proposed funding to finally complete the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail, a 93-mile trail going east-to-west across Northern Vermont. This trail brings much-needed economic activity to some of the most rural areas of our state. 


Working to Modernize Act 250

Since taking office Governor has consistently proposed comprehensive reform to Vermont’s over-50-year-old land use law, Act 250. For the Administration, this means creating a more predictable, consistent and modern program to allow for development – like housing and for vibrant downtowns – where we want and need it in concentrated, already-developed areas. While the Legislature has not supported many of the Governor’s proposals, and there is still much more work to do, the following improvements have been secured:

  • Streamlined the regulatory process for Priority Housing Projects (PHPs) in 2017, and further modernized this process in 2022, to allow more PHPs to fall under this Act 250 exemption. 


  • Required municipalities to respond to Act 250 within 90 days to give projects more timely and consistent responses. 


  • Preempted municipal permits for conditional use or site plans from expiring within two years.


  • Changed definitions and permit conditions to increase flexibility for forestry operations. 


  • Changed rules to allow sawmills under 3.5 million board feet to get processed as “minor” applications, making it easier for these businesses to responsibly operate. 


  • STILL NEED SUPPORT FROM THE LEGISLATURE – The Governor has proposed multiple initiatives to modernize Act 250 that the Legislature has declined to support in a balanced package that improves the program, including:
    • Expedited processes for time-limited ARPA-funded projects - Reforming Act 250 has become more important than ever due to the unprecedented time-limited federal funding and the number of infrastructure projects that will need to be permitted over the next few years. The Governor put forward proposals and funding to expedite permitting for federally-funded infrastructure, but the Legislature did not pass or fund these efforts. 
    • Full and permanent Act 250 exemptions for state-designated downtowns, village centers, neighborhood development areas and other designated centers. These exemptions would encourage housing and commercial development into these areas, which is a critical way to mitigate climate change impacts and to meet our housing goals. 
    • Adding flexibility for farm accessory businesses, our forestry sector, and recreational trails, which would benefit rural communities and the agricultural economy. 
    • Allowing for municipal-only approval of water/wastewater permits. This change would allow municipalities to approve a sanitary sewer service line and a water service line from a building to the collection line or water main to reduce cost, time and complexity in the permitting process.
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Safe Communities

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10-Point Public Safety Plan

In response to crime in Vermont, in August 2022, Governor Scott issued a 10-point public safety plan, which include a focus on ensuring capacity within law enforcement and the court system to address violent crime and other public safety concerns. The plan is focused on three core goals:

  • To reinforce frontline law enforcement capacity and prioritize immediate reduction, prevention and prosecution of violent crime statewide;


  • To expand prosecution capacity and help the courts address a backlog of cases; and


  • To prioritize long-term violence prevention policies, systems, and services.


Modernizing Policing

  • The Scott Administration has worked with legislators and community partners to continue its work to modernize law enforcement and continue strengthening the state’s Fair and Impartial Policing policies to ensure equitable treatment and service to all. This includes:
    • In 2020, signed an Executive Order to accelerate a series of initiatives to improve public safety for all communities. The Executive Order directed action to ensure uniform statewide policies regarding body-worn cameras and uses of force; improving and standardizing data collection by law enforcement agencies; and bolstering practices for hiring, training and promoting law enforcement officers.
    • To increase transparency and accountability, the Department of Public Safety began releasing summaries of the State Police Advisory Commission (SPAC) data on misconduct allegations involving State troopers.
    • In 2020, enacted a Legislative initiative to create a statewide Use of Force policy, which the Administration has implemented.
    • In 2017, enacted a Legislative initiative to strengthen the State’s Fair and Impartial Policing policy and further address racial disparities related to law enforcement. 


  • NEED SUPPORT FROM THE LEGISLATURE – The Governor has repeatedly try to advance an effort that would create an Agency of Public Safety, placing all law enforcement functions under one entity to ensure consistency in policy, increase accountability and transparency, improve operational efficiency and additional benefits. The Legislature has continued to discuss this initiative with the Administration but the proposal has not yet been passed. 


Tools and Resources to Better Serve Communities

  • Proposed and secured funding to place mental health workers in all State Police barracks


  • Acted to require and provide equipment to outfit all State sworn officers and the Department of Corrections officers with body cameras


  • Increased funding to the Criminal Justice Training Council to support additional tools to modernize entry-testing for candidates, as well as training efforts. 


  • Secured a funding change to better support E-911 services.


  • Proposed funding and plans to improve the regional dispatch center system.


Maintaining the Safest Schools and Communities

Vermont is currently one of the healthiest and safest states in America. We also have some of the best and safest schools in the country. Yet Vermont is not immune to the risk of extreme violence in our schools or communities, so the state has taken the following steps to bolster safety in our schools: 

  • In 2018, the Governor issued a memo to lawmakers recommending a range of next steps to help make our communities healthier and our children safer. Following through on those recommendations, he worked with lawmakers to pass historic, commonsense gun safety reforms aimed at keeping guns out of the hands of those who shouldn’t have them. These were the first changes made to Vermont’s gun laws since the Vermont Constitution was ratified in 1777. This included:
    • Requirements increasing the age to buy a firearm from 18 to 21;
    • Universal background check requirements;
    • Extreme risk protection orders;
    • The ability for law enforcement to remove firearms from those accused of domestic violence;
    • Restrictions on the purchase of high-capacity magazines; and
    • A ban on the sale and possession of bump stocks.


  • In 2022, before a crucial vote, Governor Scott sent a letter to every member of the U.S. Senate urging them to pass gun safety reforms similar to what Vermont had passed. Congress did pass gun safety reforms following that Senate vote.


  • In 2022, enacted legislation to extend the length of time for the background check process before a default approval is rendered, strengthen the 2018 Extreme Risk Protection Order provision, and provide additional protections to victims of domestic violence. 


  • In FY19, proposed and secured $5 million in funding for school security grants, which will help schools improve safety and security infrastructure. Secured an additional $1.5 million in FY20 for school safety grants for schools who weren’t able to receive grants in the original round of funding.


  • Launched a statewide comprehensive security assessment of all Vermont schools, to help schools further strengthen their safety and security procedures, best practices and infrastructure.


  • Created, by Executive Order, a Violence Prevention Task Force to study and make recommendations to address root causes of community violence.


  • Advocated for and signed into law Act 135 of 2018, a domestic terrorism law to criminalize the behavior of those who would plot a crime designed to maximize casualties, like a school shooting – closing a gap in our laws to ensure law enforcement can prevent a tragedy like this before it happens.
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Healthy Communities

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Working to Reduce Substance Abuse and Treat Substance Use Disorder

The State has comprehensive approach to addressing substance abuse, including a focus on the opioid epidemic, led largely through the Department of Health. This includes significant, ongoing investments in programs to support prevention, education, harm reduction, treatment, recovery and numerous related wrap-around services to help reduce the number of Vermonters struggling with addiction, help those with substance use disorder, and support a holistic system of care to address these complex issues. In addition to this statewide, ongoing work, the Governor has taken additional specific steps in the areas of Prevention, Treatment, Recovery and Enforcement.  

  • Prevention 
    • Governor Scott proposed, fought for, and secured the largest increase in prevention funding in state history in the FY23 budget. This includes $4 million to local and regional substance misuse prevention coalitions. 
    • Supported the creation of a Chief Prevention Officer, who as a member of the Governor’s senior staff making this a core policy area in the Governor’s office.
    • Championed efforts to ensure revenue from the retail cannabis market went to education and prevention initiatives, including vetoing a bill to ensure the final passed-law included this requirement. 


  • Treatment and Recovery
    • Increased funding - In 2022 (FY23), the Governor proposed, fought for, and secured significant new investments in treatment and recovery services, including:
      • $2 million for substance use disorder treatment and recovery beds
      • $1.2 million in rate increase for providers to support treatment and recovery
      • $1.54 million for recovery centers, employment services and regional recovery partners, like Jenna’s House
    • Expanding Access to Treatment – The Scott Administration has continued to build of the success of Vermont’s Hub and Spoke model of treatment, including: 
      • Worked with partners and providers to expedite opening of the St Albans Hub (including opening of a temporary hub at Northwest Medical Center). These efforts supported the hard work of providers and treatment professionals across the state, helping bring the Chittenden County treatment wait list to zero, which created the capacity statewide to get people into treatment quickly.
      • Secured an amendment to Vermont’s Global Commitment to Health 1115 Demonstration waiver, allowing Medicaid to pay for inpatient residential treatment for addiction.
      • Expanded Medication Assisted Treatment to a 120-day continuation at all Department of Corrections sites.
      • Signed a legislative initiative to decriminalize buprenorphine and study the effectiveness of this measure to help people seek treatment and stay in recovery.
    • Expanding Substance Use Disorder treatment workforce – To help address the shortage of the substance use  disorder treatment professionals, the Governor:
      • Coordinated a statewide substance use disorder workforce summit in April 2017, hosting more than 150 health, education and policy stakeholders to collaborate on solutions to substance abuse disorders, with a focus on increasing professionals in the treatment and recovery fields.
      • After working with the Secretary of State's Office of Professional Regulation (OPR), providers and industry stakeholders, reformed administrative rules governing licensed treatment professionals. These reforms increased the efficiency of the licensing process, allowing for expansion of this sector of the workforce.
      • Creating more opportunities for those in recovery – Implemented a new initiative that has Vermont Department of Labor employment counselors making regular visits to all of Vermont’s recovery centers, providing services and guidance to help those in recovery find and keep jobs.


  • Enforcement
    • In response to crime in Vermont, in August 2022, Governor Scott issued a 10-point public safety plan, which include a focus on ensuring capacity within law enforcement and the court system to address drug trafficking and violent crime. 
    • The Vermont Drug Task Force, in partnership with federal and local law enforcement, has continually pursued significant drug trafficking investigations involving illegal opioids and other narcotics. These investigations target those responsible for distributing narcotics, including heroin in Vermont, and facilitating the distribution of illegal drugs by out-of-state suppliers. 


Working to Strengthen our Mental Health System

  • Implementing Mobile Response Services – Proposed, passed and implemented a mobile response pilot program in Rutland (FY22), which will be expanded with additional funding in FY23. This initiative takes services directly to children and families experiencing a mental health crisis, in real time, providing critical care to families in need and reducing pressure on emergency rooms. 


  • Suicide Prevention – Governor Scott proposed and secured a nearly $2 million increase for the state’s Zero Suicide initiative and the eldercare outreach program (FY23).


  • Expanding capacity – While much more needs to be done to build capacity and workforce to support mental health needs in Vermont, the Administration has worked with the Legislature in some key areas:
    • Secured funding for a permanent therapeutic community residence to replace the temporary facility in Middlesex, which will also expand capacity.
    • Proposed and secured investments in our mental health system and worked with the Legislature to develop a plan to increase bed capacity at one of our designated hospitals, the Brattleboro Retreat.
      • The $5.5 million in funding will increase our state’s capacity of level-1 beds by creating an additional 12 beds at the Retreat. The FY20 budget provides $1.5 million more to fund additional beds.
      • By increasing out statewide capacity, we are making investments that will help us be more flexible in where patients are located, support those needing care, and reduce emergency department use. 


  • Helping kids in crisis
    • Implementing a value-based incentive for screening children and adolescents – Beginning on January 1, 2023, all Vermont Designated Agencies will be able to earn a value-based incentive payment for providing screenings to children and adolescents (aged 12 and up) for depression and substance use. Screenings will improve our ability to engage in early intervention activities with youths experiencing mental health and substance use challenges. 
    • Implemented a Child Psychiatry Access Program, offering a consultation line for pediatricians statewide to help them access immediate psychiatric consultation to better care for child, youth and family mental health concerns during office visits. This program is providing training on mental health topics for PCPs and community providers, and trauma-responsive care trainings for emergency departments statewide to better support children, youth and adults waiting in EDs with mental health concerns.
    • Secured federal resources and ongoing programming to strengthen prevention and intervention services related to youth suicide.


Health Care Reform to Improve Patient Outcomes & Control Costs

  • Payment and Delivery System Reform - To make health insurance more affordable, we must address the underlying cost of health care. The Scott Administration is working to move away from the traditional fee-for-service payment system to a system that pays providers a set amount with a goal of healthier patients and better outcomes. By paying a set amount, the state hopes to encourage proactive (preventative) care instead of paying every time a service is delivered no matter the outcome. This proactive payment model incentivizes coordination across providers to focus on improving health and wellbeing. For the approach to work, we have to change enough payments from fee-for-service to proactive payments (meaning Medicaid, Medicare, and commercial insurance). This has been a goal of the All-Payer Model. 
    • Currently, this approach has prioritized paying differently for health care through our Medicaid program and the Administration is actively building on this success by expanding Medicaid’s model and promoting it as a template for other payers. 
    • The Administration is working toward simplifying administration of this payment through more consistent health care service payment, and consider delivery and quality metrics across payer types to help to slow the growth of health care costs. 
    • The benefit of this consistency is clear in the Blueprint for Health program for high performing primary care practices focusing on the integration of primary care, mental health, substance use disorder and other services that impact health related social needs.


  • Growing the Health Care Workforce - The health care labor shortage is a primary factor in recent health care cost increases because staff vacancies must be covered by expensive contract workers and overtime pay rates. The Administration is working closely with the health care system to implement the Health Care Workforce Development Strategic Plan. 
    • In the short-term, a premium-pay grant program is helping health care organizations offer retention payments to their employees who worked during the COVID-19 pandemic, and scholarships and loan repayment opportunities will be increased and expanded to more health care professionals. 
    • New grant programs will provide additional financial incentives for nurses who help train other nurses in rural hospitals and will provide immediate funding to increase the number of nurse educators. 
    • Grant funds are also available to support a health care employer apprenticeship and pipeline program.


Addressing Climate Change for Healthy, Resilient Communities

With federal pandemic recovery funds, Governor Scott proposed and worked with the Legislature to pass historic investments – over $200 million – for initiatives to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and improve communities’ residency to a changing climate. These investments will help drive progress toward Vermont’s carbon emissions goals, while supporting the health, economic security and affordability for Vermonters. These investments include:

  • Home Weatherization  Assistance Program - This program is weatherizing multi-and single-family households with the greatest needs, including affordable housing buildings and emergency housing shelters. 


  • Home efficiency upgrades - The state is also investing in home rehabilitation initiatives that improve energy efficiency and reduce costs for the homeowners. This includes upgrading home electrical systems and installing energy-saving technologies for heating and cooling.


  • Flood Resilient Communities Fund - The state is supporting communities with the greatest need by helping households and property become more resilient to flooding. Six communities – Brandon, Cabot, Johnson, Rockingham, Starksboro and Washington – have already benefited from this program.


  • Load control and management – To further work toward our climate change mitigation goals, the state is investing to help communities and municipalities capture and share benefits of load control and management, as well as to install back-up electricity storage. This includes helping municipalities convert to more efficient renewable or electric systems through assessments, technical assistance, and grants. 


  • Supporting transition to electric vehicles – The most recent Transportation Bill (FY23) invests $36.25 million to continue implementing programs that reduce carbon emissions from the transportation sector by investing million across multiple EV-related efforts, including:
    • $6.25 million for electric vehicle (EV) fast charging on the highway network.
    • $10 million for EV charging for multi-family dwellings, workplaces and community attractions.
    • $14 million for a new EV incentive program and programmatic support from Drive Electric VT.
    • $3 million for the Mileage Smart Incentive program for used EVs and Highly Efficient Vehicles (HEVs).
    • $3 million for Replace Your Ride Incentive program for efficient transportation.
    • An updated goal of installing EV fast charging infrastructure within one mile of each interstate exit and every 25 miles along state highways.
    • Prior to this year, the Scott Administration has continuously invested in electric vehicle charging infrastructure and incentives to help more Vermonters afford electric vehicle purchases. 


COVID-19 Response

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Supporting Healthy Kids

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Clean Water and Air in Schools

  • Lead Testing and Remediation – The Scott Administration worked with schools and child care providers to test 15,000 taps used for drinking and cooking for lead in nearly all schools and centers across the state. Removal or remediation of contaminated taps in response to this study is completed or underway, and as a result, levels of lead in school and child care drinking water have been reduced well below the federal action level.


  • PCB Testing and Remediation – The Scott Administration and Legislature have allocated nearly $40 million to test Vermont schools for PCBs, and the Administration is implementing a plan to conduct this extensive testing program. In 2021 (FY22), the state also provided $3.5 million in funding to Burlington High School to help it respond to the contamination that resulted in closing the school.  


  • School Indoor Air Quality – The State allocated $15 million of federal pandemic recovery funds to a grant program to help schools make improvements to HVAC systems to address indoor air quality. 



Providing Mental Health Supports

  • Implementing Mobile Response Services – Proposed, passed and implemented a mobile response pilot program in Rutland (FY22), which will be expanded with additional funding in FY23. This initiative takes services directly to children experiencing a mental health crisis, in real time, providing critical care to families in need and reducing pressure on emergency rooms. 


  • Implementing a value-based incentive for screening children and adolescents – Beginning on January 1, 2023, all Vermont Designated Agencies will be able to earn a value-based incentive payment for providing screenings to children and adolescents (aged 12 and up) for depression and substance use. Screenings will improve our ability to engage in early intervention activities with youths experiencing mental health and substance use challenges. 


  • Implemented a Child Psychiatry Access Program, offering a consultation line for pediatricians statewide to help them access immediate psychiatric consultation to better care for child, youth and family mental health concerns during office visits. This program is providing training on mental health topics for PCPs and community providers, and trauma-responsive care trainings for emergency departments statewide to better support children, youth and adults waiting in EDs with mental health concerns.


  • Secured federal resources and ongoing programming to strengthen prevention and intervention services related to youth suicide.


Encouraging Strong, Independent Families

  • Pursuing a Voluntary Family & Medical Leave program that would allow employers and individuals to opt-in to a family and medical leave insurance plan. The program would be designed to achieve more affordable rates for employers and individuals by using state employees as the base. The Administration is awaiting the result of an Request for Proposals (RFP) process to identify a vendor for this service. 


  • Introduced and enacted legislation that made strategic changes to the Vermont Reach Up program to move parents towards sustainable employment and self-sufficiency by using goal-oriented approaches and expanding the definitions of workforce training and employment opportunities. 


  • Proposed and signed legislation establishing a prudent parent standard for foster parents, aimed at allowing children in foster care to have the same opportunities to participate in activities similar to their peers, including social activities such as sports and field trips.


  • Reinforced ongoing work to support children and youth in foster care with safety, permanency, and well-being. Expanded efforts to ensure children and youth in out-of-home care experience childhood and adolescence in ways like their peers not in foster care.


  • Proposed and passed investment of 5% increase in foster family payments and increased respite time for foster parents. 


  • Expanded intensive case management and service coordination to homeless families with children to now serve 10 of 12 AHS districts. Funding and technical assistance for the Family Supportive Housing program has supported providers to add staff, from 10 Service Coordinators to 19 Service Coordinators statewide.


  • Expanded support for Native American children by including the new Indigenous People’s liaison, the Indian Child Welfare Act Coordinator. The new position will build collaborative relationships with native tribes, including the Abenaki, and will prioritize kinship care, advancing racial equity work and commitments, repairing harm, preventing future harm, and prioritizing our families’ heritage and culture. 


  • Supporting the expansion of the Developmental Understanding and Legal Collaborations for Everyone (DULCE). DULCE is an innovative approach based in the pediatric care setting that proactively addresses social determinants of health, promotes the healthy development of infants, and provides support to their parents, all during the precious and critical first six months of life.


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Keeping Kids Safe

Submitted by matt.stirnweis… on

School Safety 

Vermont is currently one of the healthiest and safest states in America. We also have some of the best and safest schools in the country. Yet Vermont is not immune to the risk of extreme violence in our schools or communities, so the state has taken the following steps to bolster safety in our schools: 

  • In February of 2018, the Governor issued a memo to lawmakers recommending a range of next steps to help make our communities healthier and our children safer. 


  • In 2018, worked with lawmakers to pass historic, commonsense gun safety reforms aimed at keeping guns out of the hands of those who shouldn’t have them. These initiatives included implementing universal background checks, raising the age of purchase to 21 (with some exemptions), allowing Extreme Risk Protection Orders (a.k.a. Red Flag laws), strengthening law enforcement's tools to remove weapons in situations involving domestic violence, and banning bump stocks and high capacity magazines. In 2022, enacted legislation to extend the length of time for the background check process before a default approval is rendered. 


  • Proposed and secured $5 million in funding for school security grants, which will help schools improve safety and security infrastructure. Secured an additional $1.5 million in FY20 for school safety grants for schools who weren’t able to receive grants in the original round of funding.


  • Launched a statewide comprehensive security assessment of all Vermont schools, to help schools further strengthen their safety and security procedures, best practices and infrastructure.


  • Created, by Executive Order, a Violence Prevention Task Force.


  • Advocated for and signed into law Act 135 of 2018, a domestic terrorism law to criminalize the behavior of those who would plot a crime designed to maximize casualties, like a school shooting – closing a gap in our laws to ensure law enforcement can prevent a tragedy like this before it happens.


  • Supported the creation of the Vermont School Crisis Planning Team, which includes collaboration of state staff and partners, including trainings on threat assessment to ensure state staff working with similar populations have the same knowledge. 



Modernizing State Law to Protect Kids

  • Supported a legislative initiative to repeal the statute of limitations for civil actions based on childhood physical abuse, passed in Act 26 of 2021.



Supporting Children Impacted by the Opioid Crisis

  • Proposed and passed investment of $500,000 for a child protection initiative within DCF, which supports parent-child contact and will help reduce the backlog of court cases involving children affected by the opioid epidemic.


  • Proposed and passed increased investment in the guardian ad litem program, which supports children in the court system.


  • Support the Perinatal Quality Collaborative to tie together statewide efforts and strengthen perinatal and family support systems in the community and clinical settings.



Encouraging Strong, Independent Families

  • Secured funding to support the expansion of Strong Families Vermont, an evidence-based sustained home visiting program to help families with newborns.


  • Introduced and enacted legislation that made strategic changes to the Vermont Reach Up program to move parents towards sustainable employment and self-sufficiency by using goal-oriented approaches and expanding the definitions of workforce training and employment opportunities. 


  • Proposed and signed legislation establishing a prudent parent standard for foster parents, aimed at allowing children in foster care to have the same opportunities to participate in activities similar to their peers, including social activities such as sports and field trips.


  • Reinforced ongoing work to support children and youth in foster care with safety, permanency, and well-being. Expanded efforts to ensure children and youth in out-of-home care experience childhood and adolescence in ways like their peers not in foster care.


  • Proposed and passed investment of 5% increase in foster family payments and increased respite time for foster parents. 


  • Expanded intensive case management and service coordination to homeless families with children to now serve 10 of 12 AHS districts. Funding and technical assistance for the Family Supportive Housing program has supported providers to add staff, from 10 Service Coordinators to 19 Service Coordinators statewide.


  • Expanded support for Native American children by including the new Indigenous People’s liaison, the Indian Child Welfare Act Coordinator. The new position will build collaborative relationships with native tribes, including the Abenaki, and will prioritize kinship care, advancing racial equity work and commitments, repairing harm, preventing future harm, and prioritizing our families’ heritage and culture. 


Encouraging Strong, Empowered Youth


  • Signed legislation to establish a Vermont Youth Council to advise the Governor and Legislature on issues affecting young people living in Vermont.
  • Convened Interagency Afterschool Task Force to identify pathways to universal afterschool available for all Vermont children.
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Cradle to Career Education

Submitted by matt.stirnweis… on

Investing in Early Care and Learning

  • In FY23, Governor Scott again proposed to increase funding for the Child Care Financial Assistance Program (CCFAP), raising the subsidy to cover more costs and give parents and providers more options to cover vacation days and other closures. 


  • In his first two years in office, Governor Scott proposed and secured a 30% increase in funding for early care in learning since he took office. This included an additional $2.5 million to expand the CCFAP in the FY18 budget and an additional $7.4 million in the FY20 budget. Increased investment in this area makes childcare more affordable for working families and supports the early-developmental needs of our kids.


  • In total, Governor Scott has increased the base (annual) funding for child care by nearly $18 million,  and made over $100 million in one time investments to support child care providers during the pandemic, cover transportation and other services, and more.  


  • STILL NEED SUPPORT FROM THE LEGISLATURE – Governor Scott has repeatedly proposed permanent funding sources to make childcare more affordable, but the Legislature has not adopted these proposals. In 2019, Governor Scott proposed modernizing online sales tax and dedicating those revenues as a permanent funding source – which has grown annually – for the Child Care Financial Assistance Program (CCFAP). The Legislature passed the modernization initiatives but did not dedicate the funds exclusively to childcare. In 2020, the Governor proposed allowing for Keno sports betting and to dedicate those funds to CCFAP. The Legislature did not pursue this initiative.

Supporting Pre-K - 12 Education

  • Afterschool and Summer Programming – 
    • Dedicated $8.5 million in State ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) funds to expand afterschool and summer programs (FY22).
    • In 2019, Governor Scott proposed and worked with the Legislature to create a task force to recommend a framework to provide universal access to after school programming for kids. In 2021, the Governor created, by Executive Order, the Vermont Interagency Afterschool Youth Task Force to continue this planning work. 


  • Student Recovery and Pandemic Relief and for Schools – Vermont schools received nearly $400 million in new federal funding to help them respond to and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Much of this money went directly to schools to allocate at the local level, but the State had discretion over $44 million of this funding. The Scott Administration, working with the Legislature, focused state dollars on immediate pandemic response and recovery strategies, including:
    • Address social emotional learning and well being;
    • Strengthen student engagement;
    • Increase afterschool programs;
    • Provide tools to help reverse learning loss; and
    • Fund grants for indoor air quality improvements. 


  • Funding approximately $2 billion for education annually – The State has increased support for our preK-12 school system annually by fully funding locally passed school budgets each year.


  • Career Technical Education (CTE) – Governor Scott has championed CTE and trades training, highlighting the value of trades careers, critical need to grow this workforce, and investing in more opportunities, including:
    • $15 million to purchase delipidated homes, for high school and adult CTE students to rehab as part of their training. (FY23)
    • $500,000 to initiate a trial CTE program for electrical transportation (aviation and vehicle) sector training. (FY23)
    • $1.4 million in federal education aid for a CTE recruitment campaign, encouraging more students to seek this important training. (FY23)
    • Governor Scott proposed investing $45 million in Education Fund surplus to strengthen the CTE system. The Legislature did not support this initiative. 
    • Beginning the work to, and building support for, changes in the funding and governance systems for CTE to strengthen the experience for both high school students and CTE students, and to address the current competitive nature of funding CTE programs. 
    • $1.7 million to CTE centers to offset pandemic-related costs. (FY22)
    • Beginning the work to allow students to attend a state-designated virtual high school as their sending school for academics, which will give students more time for work-based learning and CTE courses. (FY23)
    • Invested $275,000 to expand apprenticeships, training and post-secondary career and technical education for Vermont workers. (FY20)
    • Proposed and passed a $400,000 investment to purchase training equipment, fit up new space and expand adult career and technical education training opportunities at centers across Vermont. (FY19)

Higher Education

  • Governor Scott has proposed historic increases to the Vermont State Colleges system, with a focus on affordability for students and emphasis on retaining students for Vermont jobs. Since coming to office, the State has significantly increased its investment in VSC and in FY23 increased the base budget for the University of Vermont for the first time in years, adding $10 million to the University. 


  • Governor Scott has repeatedly increased investment in the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC) with a focus on helping adult learners gain skills for new careers that move them up the economic ladder. 


  • For more career training and adult education initiatives, visit the Workers initiative page. 
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